Vydáno dne 13.12.2009
Slovíčka ze zimní písničky SNOWMAN zpěvačky Jan Krist
noun - one of the hard parts inside your body
adjective - unable to move
noun - black or dark brown material dug out of the earth which is burned to give heat
verb - to give and recieve information
noun - something that makes a situation complicated
verb - to move forward very quietly
verb - to believe that something will happen because it seems likely
adjective - very serious
adjective - acting like a child, typical of a child
adjective - still there when everything else has gone or been taken away
noun - a small stone
noun - an answer or an action done as an answer to something
noun - a figure made of balls of snow
noun - the part of a person which is not physical, the spiritual part of a person
verb - to look directly at something for a long time; to look at a person directly for a long time, which is unplesant for the person and impolite
noun - a long thin piece of wood etc.
verb - to create pressure by pulling or pushing something hard
verb - to send something through the air by a fast and strong movement of the hand
adjective - covered or soaked in water
verb - to cover from all sides with paper etc.
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