Vydáno dne 15.12.2009
Slovíčka z vánoční písně na Help for English.
noun - rhythm in music, usually kept by a drum
noun, American English - a lot of, a large amount of
adjective - very cold
interjection - the words you say to make a horse walk or run faster
verb - to move smoothly without making noise, esp. through the air
noun - an informal dance where you can dance to popular music
verb - to make a ringing sound (of a clock, bell etc.)
verb - to make a kind of metallic sound
noun - small bells on a sleigh or on the harness of a horse
verb - to move around and talk to people
verb - to walk or hop in a lively, happy way
verb - to make a sound like a bell, to make a bell produce a sound
noun - a kind of carriage that is pulled by a horse (or horses) over snow
noun - a large open space among buildings, several streets usually meet here
adjective, informal - great, wonderful, perfect
verb - to move back and forth or from side to side while hanging from something
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