Vydáno dne 21.12.2009
Words from Objective CAE, Unit 4, Vocabulary – negative prefixes p. 31
verb - to become impossible to see or find
verb - to end the continuity of something
verb - not to trust someone
adjective - not able to read and write
adjective - not logical, not making sense
adjective - not having physical form
adjective - not fully developed or grown; not adult
adjective - rude, not polite
adjective - not possible to be reached, entered, obtained etc.
adjective - not giving any proof, not really providing an answer
adjective - not sensitive
adjective - not regular
adjective - very strong or attractive etc, esp. in a way that it cannot be prevented
verb - to give someone false information
noun - a person who does not smoke cigarettes
adjective - difficult to believe
adjective - not expected
adjective, formal - happening before it is expected
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