Vydáno dne 26.12.2009
Words from Objective CAE, Unit 4, Sample essay, page 32
noun - moving forward, progress
noun - the coming of an important event or person
noun - a person who supports an argument
adjective - working automatically
noun - the act of having things done by machines rather than people
adjective - fairly large
noun - a formal conversation
noun - a drop in number or amount
adjective - boring, uninteresting
verb - to make something possible
adjective - happening or concerning the whole world
noun - the act of making all the coutries similar to one another
noun, literary - darkness (total or partial)
noun - a rise in number, size, quantity
verb - to say forcefully that something must be done
noun - physical work
adjective - boring, never changing
verb - to develop, grow or spread successfully
adjective - bringing money or profit
noun - a sudden increase
adjective - wanting to do something; doing something gladly, without complaining
noun, formal - the employees of a company
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