SIGNS and NOTICES (photo quiz 1)

Vydáno dne 02.01.2011

Umíte si přeložit význam některých britských nápisů a cedulí? A víte, na kterých místech byste je mohli vidět? Otestujte se v našem foto kvízu. K otázkám u deseti obrázků vyberte správnou odpověď. Po vyhodnocení si můžete přečíst ke každé fotografii vysvětlující komentář.

  1. Where can you see this sign?

    1. On a service bus.
    2. On a sightseeing bus.
    3. On a sightseeing train.
    4. On any kind of bus.
  2. If you want to wait for somebody coming to the airport, you have to:

    1. go straight ahead
    2. turn left
    3. turn right and go back
    4. wait right there
  3. Where can you see this light?

    1. At a bank entrance.
    2. In a minicab.
    3. In a taxi.
    4. In any kind of car.
  4. What do they want their customers to do?

    1. Put in their orders for coffee.
    2. Put in their postcards.
    3. Write down their complaints.
    4. Write down their ideas on how to improve the shop.
  5. This photo was taken in London. Why can you see both the ‘underground’ and ‘subway’ sign?

    1. In the UK people use ‘subway’ to talk about public transport and ‘underground’ to talk about a pass
    2. In the UK people use ‘underground’ to talk about public transport and ‘subway’ to talk about a pass
    3. In the UK they both mean the same.
    4. In the UK they have ‘underground’. The ‘subway’ sign is for American tourists.
  6. What does this notice mean?

    1. This is an entrance into a public transport system.
    2. This is an entrance to public toilets.
    3. You can enter the area generally during the day.
    4. You can't enter the area unless you have a permission.
  7. What does ‘contactless payment’ mean?

    1. If you don't have change, it is not a problem.
    2. You can pay over the phone.
    3. You can pay using only your credit card, not your debit card.
    4. You can pay without putting your card into the slot.
  8. What does this notice mean?

    1. If you buy three products from the sale line, you will get another one for free.
    2. If you pay three products from the shop, you don't have to pay for the 4th one.
    3. You can buy only three products in the shop.
    4. You will not get a discount if you buy four products.
  9. Where does the arrow point?

    1. To a street with many shops selling fireworks.
    2. To an area where people work with fire.
    3. To an area where you can light a fire.
    4. To an area where you can watch fireworks.
  10. Where can you see this sign?

    1. In a fitting room of a department store.
    2. In a shopping mall.
    3. In a supermarket.
    4. On a bus or train.
Správné odpovědi: 1) d, 2) c, 3) c, 4) d, 5) b, 6) d, 7) d, 8) a, 9) d, 10) d
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