Vydáno dne 05.01.2011
Odborné termíny pro základní kosti v našem těle.
noun - the bone between the shoulder and the neck
noun - the small bone at the bottom of the spine
noun - the bones of the head
noun - the bone between the pelvis and the knee
noun - the thinner of the two bones between the knee and the ankle
noun - the bone between the shoulder and the elbow
noun - the arch bone below your eye
noun - a face bone that holds the teeth
noun - the small bone that covers and protects the front of the knee joint
noun, formal - the wide bones to which the legs are joined
noun - one of the bones of the fingers or toes
noun - one of the two bones between the elbow and the wrist, it is on the same side as the thumb
noun - one of the two flat bones on both sides of your back
noun - the line of bones that goes down a person's back or the back of an animal
noun - the bone that most of the ribs are joined to at the front
noun - the bone at the front of your leg between the knee and the ankle
noun - one of the two bones between the elbow and the wrist, its on the side opposite the thumb
noun - one of the bones that form the spinal column
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