Vydáno dne 23.01.2011
Okruh slovíček obsahující názvy důležitých orgánů v lidském těle.
noun - a small extension attached to the large intestine
noun - a membranous sac where urine from the kidneys goes before it is excreted
noun - the organ that we have inside our head, we need it to think and feel etc.
noun - the first section of the tube that carries food from the stomach to the anus
noun - the organ that stores bile, it is attached to the liver
noun - the organ in your body that makes the blood circulate
noun - one of the two organs in your body that separate waste liquid from the blood
noun - the tube that carries food from the small intestine to the rectum
noun - a part of the body that cleans the blood
noun - the breathing organs in your body
noun - one of the two organs in a woman's body that produce eggs
noun - a gland located behind the stomach, it produces insulin and enzymes that help to digest food
noun - a small organ in a man's body situated close to the penis, it produces a liquid that carries the sperm
noun - the tube that carries food from the stomach to the large intestine
noun - an important part of the central nervous system, it is connected to the base of the brain and extends through the vertebral column
noun - an oval-shaped organ near our stomach, it produces cells important for our immune system
noun - the organ in our belly where food goes when we swallow it
noun - one of the two organs in a man's body that produces sperm
noun - the organ in a woman's body where the fetus develops before it is born
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