Vydáno dne 29.01.2010
Slovíčka z UNIT 6 našeho kurzu obchodní angličtiny.
noun - an office that provides a particular service
noun - a formal arrangement to see a person at a specified time and place
verb - to make necessary preparations for something to happen in the future
noun - the time when a plane, bus, train etc. comes or is scheduled to come
verb - to come to a certain place
noun - a person who helps or assists you
adjective - able to be obtained or reached
adverb - an adverb used to emphasize that you're saying something basic, something very important
noun - the person who is in charge of something
noun - a suitable, comfortable thing
adjective - advantageous or suitable
noun - a statement of the day, month and year
adverb - certainly, undoubtedly
verb - to leave the station; to leave
noun - the time when a train, plane, bus etc. leaves or is scheduled to leave
adverb - one or the other
conjunction - in spite of the fact, although
verb - to see if something is all right
noun - the leader or the head of a tribe, group etc.
adverb - because there could be need, because something is possible
adverb - personally, without involving another person
preposition - concerning sth, on the subject of sth
verb - to control or direct something
noun - the people who control a business etc., the control of something
adjective - related to the work of a manager
noun - an occasion when people come together to discuss something
adjective - needed to do something, important to have in order to do something
noun - the need for something to be done
verb - to let the public know about a product in order to increase its sales
noun - the act of advertising a product, making something better known among people etc.
verb - to connect someone by phone to allow them to speak to somebody
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