Vydáno dne 29.01.2010
Words from REM's song Mine Smell Like Honey
verb - to challenge someone to do something, to make someone prove that they are brave enough to do something
verb - to make a hole in the ground using a spade, a pickaxe etc.
verb - to believe that something will happen because it seems likely
noun - an amusement park
noun - a drop
adjective - to last, coming at the end of something
noun - the product or consequence of what you have done
noun - the pattern of threads or lines seen on a piece of fabric, wood etc.
noun - an opening, an empty space in something
noun - the sweet substance that is produced by bees
verb - to go in the direction (e.g. a road, exit etc.)
noun - an arrangement of symbols, pictures, shapes, lines etc.
noun - a surface made up of flat stones
noun - words that say that someone has done something well
noun - a statement that says what will happen in the future
verb - to speak very loudly, e.g. at somebody who is far from you etc.
verb - to produce an odour
adjective - rising or falling quickly (e.g. a slope)
verb - to find and follow the marks left by a vehicle, person, animal etc.
noun - smell left behind by something, such as an animal
noun - the pattern of threads in a piece of fabric
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