Vydáno dne 29.01.2010
Words from REM's song Discoverer
adjective - full of fear, fearful
noun - a heavy yellow metal
noun - a person who discovers something new
noun - the skill of dealing with people tactfully and delicately
verb - to stay on top of water, to stay in the air
noun - something that is difficult to do
adjective - very funny, making people laugh
noun - an untidy and dirty condition
noun - a chance to do something
noun, American English - small little pieces of paper mixed with glue or plaster etc.
noun - something that may happen, be or exist
verb - to consider or think about something for a long time
verb - to keep in mind, not to forget
verb - to get up, to get upright
noun - a kind of crocus used as a spice or as a coloring agent
noun - paper with grains of sand on it that is used to make a surface smooth etc.
noun - the outer covering of the body
adjective - very small, not important
noun - a plant from the ginger family, the yellow powder made from the rhizomes is used as a spice or a coloring agent
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