Vydáno dne 29.01.2010
Words from REM's song It Happened Today
noun - a story in which characters (usually animals) represent abstract ideas (good, evil, life, death...)
verb - to come closer to something or someone, esp. in order to attack
noun - a kind of behavior that shows respect to someone
noun - resistance, the refusal to obey
verb - to get money from working
verb - to take place
interjection, informal - an exclamation you use when something makes you very happy
noun - choosing between things, an option, several possibilities to choose from
noun - a story told by Jesus Christ to make people understand some religious principles
noun - the word that you will do something, one which people can rely on
verb - to have similar sounds at the end of two verses
adjective - extremely bad
noun - the sound that comes from your throat when you speak
noun - one of the two parts that birds use for flying, one of similar part on an aircraft that enables it to fly
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