Vydáno dne 30.01.2011
Opakování zaměřené na idiomatická spojení obsažená v testech Idiomatic English 16–20.
The headline read: Rescuers working ________ to find landslide victims.
She didn't mind the judges, she just got on stage and sang ________.
I think you're ________ when you suggest we hire a new PR person.
My boss is very demanding. Everything I do has to be ________.
A colleague asked me to take over her class that afternoon and since I didn't have anything planned, I had to play ________.
She needed some marriage advice but I've never been in a serious relationship, so I couldn't really be of any help in ________.
‘Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.’ ________, Mr. Einstein.
Now with the contract falling through, I guess the raise is ________, right?
Sarah lost touch with some of her friends because they weren't ________ in life anymore.
When people argue with their loved ones, they tend to blow things out of proportion. That is why it helps to ________ and see if they can come to a peaceful resolution in the morning.