Idiomatic English - Revision 16-20

Vydáno dne 30.01.2011

Opakování zaměřené na idiomatická spojení obsažená v testech Idiomatic English 16–20.

  1. The headline read: Rescuers working ________ to find landslide victims.

    1. an all-nighter
    2. over their head
    3. round the clock
    4. their ass off
  2. She didn't mind the judges, she just got on stage and sang ________.

    1. her head around it
    2. her heart out
    3. her world
    4. it off her chest
  3. I think you're ________ when you suggest we hire a new PR person.

    1. cutting to the chase
    2. on the up side
    3. on to something
    4. on top of it
  4. My boss is very demanding. Everything I do has to be ________.

    1. not too shabby
    2. out of proportion
    3. over the dam
    4. top-notch
  5. A colleague asked me to take over her class that afternoon and since I didn't have anything planned, I had to play ________.

    1. it by ear
    2. it safe
    3. my heart out
    4. to conclusions
  6. She needed some marriage advice but I've never been in a serious relationship, so I couldn't really be of any help in ________.

    1. a million years
    2. that department
    3. that market
    4. that page
  7. ‘Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.’ ________, Mr. Einstein.

    1. I dare you
    2. Lucky you
    3. Nicely put
    4. Way to go
  8. Now with the contract falling through, I guess the raise is ________, right?

    1. not in the market
    2. out of the question
    3. over my head
    4. water under the bridge
  9. Sarah lost touch with some of her friends because they weren't ________ in life anymore.

    1. ahead of themselves
    2. flesh and blood
    3. on the same page
    4. through a rough patch
  10. When people argue with their loved ones, they tend to blow things out of proportion. That is why it helps to ________ and see if they can come to a peaceful resolution in the morning.

    1. hang on every word
    2. have a one night stand
    3. laugh all they want
    4. sleep on it
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) b, 3) c, 4) d, 5) a, 6) b, 7) c, 8) b, 9) c, 10) d
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