Vydáno dne 15.02.2010
Slovíčka z UNIT 7 našeho kurzu obchodní angličtiny.
verb - to change something in order to make it more accurate
verb - to make known, esp. to the public
verb - to assign a function, duty, responsibility etc. to sb
verb - to give someone a task or job to do
verb - to be present (esp. at a course, meeting, conference etc.)
noun - a room where board meetings etc. are held
noun - the fact that something happens later than it was planned
noun - an occasion that has been organized and that is attended by many people
verb - to believe that something will happen because it seems likely
verb, American English - to be unsuccessful in something
noun - the act of flying, a trip by plane or another flying vehicle
noun - short for Greenwich Mean Time
noun - (abbreviation) an identification card
adverb - at last, after everything has been done, said etc.
noun - a small computer that can be easily carried and used anywhere
noun - the act of introducing something and starting to use it
noun - the suitcases, bags etc. that you carry with you when you travel somewhere
verb - to move ahead, to travel onward; to continue with what you've been doing
verb - to form a line, esp. when waiting for something along with many people
verb - to arrange again, to arrange differently
verb - to give up a job, a position or a post
noun - the part of the day when there is most traffic on the roads
adverb - quickly, without much waiting, in a little while, soon
noun - a plan of things to be done
verb - to happen (somewhere)
noun - the cars that are in the streets at a time
verb - to write something by using a computer keyboard or a typewriter
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