Vydáno dne 24.02.2010
Words from Objective CAE, Unit 5, article on page 36
noun - a person who studies human beings and their social relationships
noun - a small extension attached to the large intestine
adjective - feeling certain that something is true or believing strongly in something
noun - strong will to do something
adjective - proud, respectful
adjective, formal - desperate, very serious
verb - to set up or start an organisation, company etc.
adjective - trying to be funny when it is not appropriate
noun - an area of land that is used for agriculture
noun - wild animals; the meat from wild animals
noun - a person who takes care of animals in a nature reserve
noun - a place where an animal, a plant etc. normally lives
verb - to cut something into pieces with violence
noun - the study of the way organisms function
noun - a person who hunts animals illegally, without permission
verb - to represent something (e.g. in a picture, music etc.)
adverb - by assumption, as can be assumed
verb - to take away from something; to take off; to get rid of
noun - a viewpoint, a strong opinion you have about something
noun - an apparatus or thing that is meant to catch somebody or something (e.g. a mouse)
noun - a person who watches over a place or people; a guard
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