Vydáno dne 05.03.2010
Words from Objective CAE, Unit 5, vocabulary and grammar, pages 36–37
adjective - acting without thinking very much about the consequences
adjective - brave, not afraid of danger
adjective - done or made with care, paying attention to every little detail
adjective - boring, uninteresting
noun - opinion on how good or bad something is
adjective - very weak; without energy or strength
adjective - not perfect, having imperfections
adjective - disregarding dangers, unthinkingly bold and rash, reckless
adjective - being easily deceived or tricked into something
adjective - very curious, asking too many questions
adjective - fascinating, very interesting
noun - an opinion esp. one made by considering what is right and wrong
adjective - liking to do something very much
noun - unhappiness that you feel when you are alone, with nobody around you
noun - a large impressive house
adjective - thinking in a childlike way, esp. believing in the goodness of people, too trusting etc.
adjective - (disapproving) modern
adjective - interested in things that are none of your business
noun - words that say that someone has done something well
noun - a very simple, small house (usually built of wood)
noun - the state of beling alone
adjective - well grounded, valid, not questionable
adjective - modern, made or built using the most advanced technology
adjective - resembling steel (in texture or in colour)
adjective - lengthy, using too many words
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