Vydáno dne 05.03.2010
Words from Objective CAE, Unit 5, Listening, page 37
noun, British English - a large vehicle equipped for staying in while camping etc.
verb - to deal with a difficult situation successfully
noun - the people working on making a movie, TV programme etc.
noun - belief and trust in something
verb - to stop functioning
noun - the winner of a competition
noun - something pleasant you do or buy for yourself
adjective - not able to be trusted or relied on
noun - a road built for racing
verb - to believe, to think, to assume
adjective - reasonable, practical
noun - the line marking the border of a playing field
verb - to be in a cosy, warm and comfortable position
adjective - (usually about time) happening too early in the morning or too late at night
adjective - making you feel upset
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