Vydáno dne 23.05.2011
Jarní zahrada – slovní zásoba.
noun - the tree on which apples grow
noun - the tree on which apricots grow
noun - a kind of outdoor seat for two or more people
verb - (of a plant) to produce flowers, to open flowers
noun - a flower on a tree or a bush
noun - a plant like a small low tree
noun - a kind of fire that people sit around, talk, sing songs etc.
noun, American English - a small house for a dog
noun - a place in the room where you can light a fire
noun - a path that people walk on
noun - the green plants that grow everywhere in meadows, football fields, lawns etc., animals such as sheep or cows eat it
noun - a small building made of glass or plastic where certains plants are grown
noun - a tool with a long handle that is used in the garden to turn the soil etc.
noun - a long flexible tube that is used to carry water or gas
noun - a tree on which cherries grow
noun - a piece of equipment that is used to climb up something, it consists of two long pieces of wood or ropes on the sides and steps between them
noun - a machine that you use to cut the grass
noun - an area next to a house where people can sit and relax
noun - the tree on which peaches grow
noun - the tree on which pears grow
noun - a tree on which plums grow
noun - an artificial or natural area of fresh water that is smaller than a lake
noun - a round clay, metal or plastic container in which you can grow plants
noun - a gardening tool used for collecting leaves or dried grass etc.
noun - a high waterproof boot
noun - a kind of large scissors used e.g. in the garden to trim bushes or in the kitchen to cut poultry etc.
noun - an instrument with a long handle and a broad blade used for picking up or moving earth, snow, sand etc.
noun - a tool that looks like a shovel which you use to dig holes in the ground, it can be pushed into the ground with the foot
noun - a small wooden building (usually in the garden) where people usually put different things such as tools etc.
noun - a very tall plant with a hard trunk and branches and green leaves or needles, people get wood from it
noun - a plastic or metal container used for watering plants or flowers in the garden
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