"Graveyard" by Lucy Schwartz

Vydáno dne 06.07.2011

Písnička GRAVEYARD jedenadvacetileté americké zpěvačky Lucy Schwartz. Při poslechu doplníte chybějící slova do textu a nakonec si budete moci přečíst překlad.

Listen to the song and complete each gap with one word.

Jak na to?

Chcete-li doplnit co nejvíce správných slov, budete potřebovat následující:

Lucy Schwartz


Don't ___________________________(1) up
I'll be walking through the graveyard
And I'm hardly ___________________________(2)
If I try to ___________________________(3) with just a paper heart

And you know you're not there
When the ___________________________(4) in your ___________________________(5) goes right through you
And you know that you're ___________________________(6)
When the ___________________________(7) of a ___________________________(8) cannot soothe you
And it's a ___________________________(9) burden to ___________________________(10)
When you're not quite there

Call my name
Maybe if I hear it I'll ___________________________(11)
‚Cause I‘ve forgotten my ___________________________(12)
I am only a ___________________________(13) , just a pretender


Oh, we're nothing but walking ___________________________(14)
Only shadows, we're only shadows
___________________________(15) out but no one will hear us
Only shadows, we're only shadows


Words and music by Lucy Schwartz. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Visit the singer's website at lucyschwartzmu­sic.com.

Správné odpovědi: 1) wait ; 2) alive ; 3) survive ; 4) wind ; 5) hair ; 6) gone ; 7) sound ; 8) song ; 9) difficult ; 10) bear ; 11) remember ; 12) past ; 13) mask ; 14) spirits ; 15) Screaming
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