Vydáno dne 09.08.2010
Slovíčka z písně na Help for English.
verb, informal - to make something (esp. music) very loud
adjective - sad, unhappy or depressed
noun, American English - a place where there are rides (such as a ferris wheel, rollercoaster etc.), stalls, souvenirs etc
noun - the line where the sea or ocean meets the dry land
adverb - an adverb used to intensify something or emphasize something unexpected
noun - the moon when we can see it as a complete circle
verb - to give out or reflect a soft steady light
noun - people standing in a line, usually waiting something
noun - thoughts and feelings etc, the part of the brain that does the thinking etc.
verb - to travel on a boat driven by wind; to travel on water
adverb - with the top turned to the bottom
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