Test: Rhyming compounds (mumbo-jumbo...)

Vydáno dne 19.09.2011

Test, který prověří Vaše znalosti rýmovaných párových spojení jako např. mumbo-jumbo apod.

  1. You can buy all your Christmas presents on Amazon, away from the ________ of shopping malls.

    1. humdrum
    2. hustle and bustle
    3. mumbo-jumbo
    4. pally-wally
  2. Luckily, no one was hurt in the accident. It was just a ________.

    1. fender-bender
    2. fuddy-duddy
    3. pooper-scooper
    4. wingding
  3. You can protest all you want but he won ________.

    1. fair and square
    2. handy-dandy
    3. hanky-panky
    4. true-blue
  4. I love movies with some action in them, not this ________ crap.

    1. artsy-fartsy
    2. claptrap
    3. culture-vulture
    4. itsy-bitsy
  5. ________, what the hell happened in here?

    1. Heebie Jeebies
    2. Helter Skelter
    3. Jeepers Creepers
    4. Razzle Dazzle
  6. They talked in a ________ way although everyone knew they hated each other.

    1. nitty-gritty
    2. pally-wally
    3. teeny-weeny
    4. walkie-talkie
  7. The politician got the office through some electoral ________.

    1. hocus-pocus
    2. humdrum
    3. hustle and bustle
    4. razzle-dazzle
  8. Everyone thought she was a ________ Christian, but it turned out she never even went to church.

    1. itsy-bitsy
    2. nitty-gritty
    3. phoney-baloney
    4. true-blue
  9. I knew they were talking about my condition but I didn't understand their medical ________.

    1. hanky-panky
    2. helter-skelter
    3. hocus-pocus
    4. mumbo-jumbo
  10. I hired a ________ lawyer who could win just about any lawsuit.

    1. hobo
    2. hotshot
    3. humdrum
    4. mojo
  11. They had a little ________ in the back seat of his car and she ended up pregnant.

    1. fuddy-duddy
    2. hanky-panky
    3. chop-shop
    4. tex-mex
  12. COLLAPSE INTO NOW is a good record but it's not as good as R.E.M. in their ________.

    1. heyday
    2. hoodoo
    3. hotshot
    4. wingding
  13. How can you believe this ________ about the end of the world in 2012.

    1. claptrap
    2. hobo
    3. pell-mell
    4. wingding
  14. I bought this ________ travel guide to the USA. It has everything!

    1. artsy-fartsy
    2. fair and square
    3. handy-dandy
    4. true-blue
  15. The book gives the ________ on how to run a successful business.

    1. hither and thither
    2. itsy-bitsy
    3. nitty-gritty
    4. razzle and dazzle
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) b, 2) a, 3) a, 4) a, 5) c, 6) b, 7) a, 8) d, 9) d, 10) b, 11) b, 12) a, 13) a, 14) c, 15) c
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