BUSINESS 08: Hotel (storyline)

Vydáno dne 11.11.2011

Náš kurz obchodní angličtiny pokračuje osmou lekcí, která se věnuje ubytování v hotelu. V první kapitole (storyline) se opět posuneme v našem příběhu. Michael se v Londýně ubytovává v hotelu.

Course Map (mapa kurzu)

Unit 08: Hotel

Nedávno jsme zakončili sedmou lekci, která se věnovala cestování letadlem. V nové lekci se zaměříme na hotely a ubytování obecně.

Nejprve se však musíme opět o kousek posunout v příběhu, který nás provází od první lekce.

Pokud se s naším kurzem obchodní angličtiny teprve seznamujete, doporučujeme přečíst si úvodní kapitolu INTRODUCTION, kde se o kurzu dozvíte víc.

Co vše máme již za sebou, pak zjistíte pohodlně v MAPĚ KURZU.

Michael se s námi minule rozloučil zrovna v momentě, když přistál na letišti Heathrow a hledal cestu do hotelu. Tam bezpečně dorazil a sedí u sebe na pokoji. Předejme mu tedy slovo.



Hello, everyone. I promised you that I would inform you about my trip to London. When I talked to you last time, I was at the airport trying to find a way to the hotel. I actually took a taxi in the end, so it was fast. When I arrived at the hotel, I entered the lobby, looked around and went straight to the reception.

There was a very nice receptionist who took care of my check-in. First I had to spell my name though, because she couldn't find me in the hotel system. She then confirmed my booking for two nights and asked if she could see my ID and credit card.

Some people might be surprised that a receptionist wants to see their credit card, because they have only been travelling with travel agencies. However, when you travel on your own, they usually want to see your credit card at the hotel to make sure that you will have enough money to pay for your stay and other services, e.g. the
minibar, room service, restaurant, sauna, etc.

Then I had to fill in their registration form where I put my name, passport number and email address. The receptionist told me that the check-in time was at 3 p.m. and since it was only around 11 o'clock, my room wasn't ready yet. She assured me, though, that the room would be ready at around noon. Well, there was nothing I could do. I left my suitcase with the receptionist and went for a walk in the neighbourhood.

When I got back, there was a queue at the reception, because a big group of Australians had just arrived. So I went into the lounge bar and had a cappuccino.

After about 20 minutes I approached the reception, but didn't see the receptionist from the morning. There was a different one and she wasn't very friendly. I think she was even frowning. I introduced myself and said that I should have my suitcase in the baggage storage. The receptionist looked at me with suspicion and said that I must have certainly received a tag with the suitcase number. I told her that her colleague had probably forgotten to give me one. It didn't help, so I had to describe my suitcase in detail and then, finally, she was willing to give it back to me.

She apologized for her colleague and gave me the key to my room, which was ready. And since it was a room with breakfast, she informed me about breakfast time, which was from 7:00 to 9:30 on workdays. At the end of the check-in process she asked me if I needed a hand with my luggage, but I was fine.

So here I am in my hotel room. It's really a lovely room with a magnificent view of the Thames. I've unpacked my things, my suit especially, because I don't want it to get creased. And only now I've realized that I am very hungry. I think I might order room service tonight. The room service menu must be somewhere around here.

Ok, let me choose something from the menu and eat. I have a very important interview tomorrow, so I will probably go to bed early. I'll let you know how it went of course, but you have to be patient.

I promise I'll get back to you tomorrow evening with all the details. Until then, bye bye.


Zde zatím končí Michaelův příběh. My se totiž v dalších kapitolách této lekce musíme pustit do angličtiny související s dnešním tématem.

Nejprve jako obvykle začneme sekcí Word and Phrase Analyses, kde si rozebereme slovíčka, která jsou v tomto textu podtržena, a někteří je možná neznáte, nebo je třeba neumíte správně používat. Pak budou následovat dva kvízy a za nimi to nejdůležitější z celé lekce: podrobný článek o ubytování v hotelu.

Ale všechno chce svůj čas. Zatím tedy nabízíme pouze úvodní příběh.

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