Vydáno dne 06.12.2011
Otestujte si, zda znáte používání členů v některých víceméně ustálených vazbách.
Doplňte do následujících vět a spojení člen určitý (the), neurčitý (a/an), nebo nulový (---).
Can you hold? We'll put you through in ________ moment.
I don't download TV shows from the Internet. I like to wait for them to come out on ________ Blu-ray.
Your boyfriend called again, by ________ way. Why don't you give him your cell number?
This looks like a quiet place. Let's have ________ snack here and then go on.
In 2009, according to statistics, someone died in ________ fire every 172 minutes.
What the programme suggests is that maybe we are not alone in ________ universe.
Jackie and Rick go to church, too, but they go to ________ different church.
I shouldn't have believed him. It was ________ mistake.
If you're afraid of vampires, I wouldn't recommend leaving the house after ________ dusk.
Let's hit ________ road if we want to be there in time for the concert.