Test - nepleťme si slova

Vydáno dne 11.12.2011

Vyzkoušejte si test zaměřený na slovní zásobu, která by se mohla plést.

Přečtěte si věty a zaklikněte jednu správnou možnost, která se do věty hodí.

  1. She ________ him carefully to learn how to slice the pineapple right.

    1. saw
    2. watched
  2. Is your boyfriend ________ or short?

    1. high
    2. tall
  3. My husband is a perfect ________ . I love the lasagne he prepares every other Friday!

    1. cook
    2. cooker
  4. My favourite PC ________ is The Lord of The Rings.

    1. game
    2. play
  5. Please be ________ . The candidates are taking their exam now.

    1. quiet
    2. quite
  6. I have my teeth ________ regularly every half a year.

    1. controlled
    2. checked
  7. The neighbours are very friendly. I must tell them to ________ and visit us some time.

    1. come
    2. go
  8. Our team would really like to win the first ________ in the competition.

    1. price
    2. prize
  9. The puppy caught the toy and brought it to ________ bed.

    1. it's
    2. its
  10. Jack and I live in the same ________ .

    1. road
    2. street
Správné odpovědi: 1) b, 2) b, 3) a, 4) a, 5) a, 6) b, 7) a, 8) b, 9) b, 10) b
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