Čí jsou věci na obrázku?

Vydáno dne 05.02.2012

Doplňte do vět správné přivlastňovací zájmeno HIS/HER podle obrázků.

Whose is it?

Čí jsou věci na obrázku?

Look at the picture of a boy and his mother. Then choose whose the things below are. (Are they his things or her things?)

Podívejte se na obrázek maminky a syna. Potom k obrázkům vyberte, komu patří jednotlivé věci. Používejte přivlastňovací zájmena HIS nebo HER.

It's ________________________________ (1) bag. This is ________________________________ (2) balloon. It's ________________________________ (3) cap.
This is ________________________________ (4) skirt. It's ________________________________ (5) necklace.  

Now look at a picture of a girl and her father. Again, choose whether they are his things or her things.

These are ________________________________ (6) earrings. It's ________________________________ (7) T-shirt. It's ________________________________ (8) dress.
    1. a) her
    2. b) his
    1. a) her
    2. b) his
    1. a) her
    2. b) his
    1. a) her
    2. b) his
    1. a) her
    2. b) his
    1. a) her
    2. b) his
    1. a) her
    2. b) his
    1. a) her
    2. b) his
Správné odpovědi: 1) her , 2) his , 3) his , 4) her , 5) her , 6) her , 7) his , 8) her
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