Meet John

Vydáno dne 16.02.2012

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Meet John


This is John. John ________________________________ (1) to school. He ________________________________ (2) a good student.At school ________________________________ (3) favourite subject is Math.Math lessons ________________________________ (4) on Wednesdays and Fridays ________________________________ (5) nine and eleven o'clock.John ________________________________ (6) like chemistry because his teacher gives the childrena lot of ________________________________ (7) every day.When John comes home he plays with ________________________________ (8) dog in the garden.He ________________________________ (9) got a sister. Her name is Jane. They ________________________________ (10) watch TV in the evening because they play cards and computer games.

    1. a) go
    2. b) goes
    3. c) going
    4. d) is going
    1. a) are
    2. b) be
    3. c) is
    1. a) John's
    2. b) Johns
    3. c) Johns'
    1. a) are
    2. b) is
    1. a) at
    2. b) in
    3. c) on
    1. a) doesn't
    2. b) don't
    3. c) not
    1. a) homework
    2. b) homeworks
    1. a) her
    2. b) his
    3. c) its
    1. a) has
    2. b) have
    1. a) doesn't
    2. b) don't
    3. c) not
Správné odpovědi: 1) goes , 2) is , 3) John's , 4) are , 5) at , 6) doesn't , 7) homework , 8) his , 9) has , 10) don't
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