Quiz: The Titanic

Vydáno dne 10.04.2012

How much do you know about the Titanic? Try this quiz.

Quiz: The Titanic

  1. The Titanic sank during her ________ voyage. That's what we call the first journey of a ship.

    1. maiden
    2. pioneer
    3. prime
    4. virgin
  2. The Titanic is officially known as ________.

    1. HMS Titanic
    2. RMS Titanic
    3. SS Titanic
    4. USS Titanic
  3. The Titanic sank on the 15th of April ________.

    1. 1902
    2. 1912
    3. 1922
    4. 1932
  4. The Titanic sank because it collided with ________.

    1. a glacier
    2. an iceberg
    3. an icecube
    4. an icicle
  5. The Titanic was built in ________.

    1. Dublin
    2. Liverpool, England
    3. Northern Ireland
    4. Wales
  6. The Titanic was going from Southampton, England to ________.

    1. Boston
    2. Los Angeles
    3. New York
    4. Washington DC
  7. The Titanic was carrying more than 2200 people. Only about ________ survived the disaster.

    1. 1100
    2. 1600
    3. 400
    4. 700
  8. There were only ________ lifeboats on the Titanic.

    1. 10
    2. 15
    3. 20
    4. 30
  9. The wreck of the Titanic ________.

    1. has been lifted from the seabed and is now a museum
    2. has never been found
    3. is too deep to be accessed
    4. still rests on the seabed, visited only by scientists, explorers etc.
  10. Which of the following does not belong here?

    1. James Cameron
    2. Johnny Depp
    3. Kate Winslet
    4. Leonardo DiCaprio
Správné odpovědi: 1) a, 2) b, 3) b, 4) b, 5) c, 6) c, 7) d, 8) c, 9) d, 10) b
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