Vydáno dne 03.05.2011
Slovíčka z písně WHAT THE HELL zpěvačky Avril Lavigne
verb - to ask for something, e.g. food or money
verb - to be interested in or worry about something
adjective - mad or foolish
noun - a meeting of two people who are in love
phrase, informal - a phrase we use when we want to make sure someone understands what we mean and doesn't get offended by what we say
verb - to enjoy yourself
adverb - fairly, without lies
verb - to feel pain, to be painful
noun - the part of the leg in which it bends in the middle
verb, American English, informal - to kiss passionately for a long time and touch sexually
verb, informal - to spend time having fun, doing crazy things instead of doing serious work etc.
verb, informal - to treat something carelessly, especially if it can harm someone
verb, informal - to go out and have fun
verb - to protect from death or from damage
phrase, informal - a phrase you say to show that it does not matter if you do something
phrase, informal - a phrase you say to express that you don't care about something
conjunction - if
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