Vydáno dne 14.06.2012
Ověřte si v pokročilejším kvízu, co jste se naučili v rozboru slov a frází osmé lekce kurzu obchodní angličtiny.
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What is the ________ from London to Brighton?
If you can't hail a taxi in the street, find a ________. I think there's one near your house.
The plane was ________ on the runway for more than 40 minutes.
When we arrived in Manchester, we first ________ a small hotel in the city centre and then went shopping.
Before you ________ a hotel you should settle the bill.
Please accept our sincere apologies. We can ________ you that this sort of thing will never happen again.
I bought a new ________ case yesterday. It's so convenient to have a suitcase with four independent wheels.
The hotel was fantastic. I found the staff very ________, friendly and helpful.
The receptionist always ________ helped me with any questions or issues I had.
They said they would prefer to settle the ________ out of court.