Vydáno dne 20.07.2011
Slovíčka z písně na Help for English.
adjective - worried about something, finding something important
verb - to take away from something, to make something less valuable etc.
verb - to recognize something, to make something out; to see something which is difficult to see
noun - the space between two points, how far it is from one place to another
verb - to make it difficult for somebody to concentrate or to pay attention
noun - a feeling of not being sure about something
noun - the feeling extremely upset about something that you cannot change or influence
verb - to listen to someone else's conversation
noun - a number of animals living and hunting together (esp. wolves)
verb - to act like something is true but it is not, to act in a deceptive way
noun - a piece of old cloth or very old piece of clothing
verb - to arrange again, to arrange differently
verb - to tear quickly or suddenly
noun - the part of a person which is not physical, the spiritual part of a person
verb - to hurt someone with a knife or another sharp object
adjective - not talkative, reserved
noun - the idea that connects two things
noun - marks left by a vehicle, person, animal etc.
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