Vydáno dne 16.08.2011
Slovíčka z písně na Help for English.
phrase - not to keep a promise
verb - to hit something violently, e.g. as an accident in a car etc.
noun - the act of running away
noun - a wish for something the feeling of expectation that it will happen
verb - to run after something or somebody
noun - a bit, a small piece, a small distance
verb - to cross, to meet at one point
adverb - in the direction of the length of something
noun - the meaning of something that you say or write
verb - to act like something is true but it is not, to act in a deceptive way
adjective - behaving in a way that can cause danger or harm
noun - a wooden board fastened to the wall, you can put books, decorative objects, etc. on it
noun - what you can see
noun - the part of a person which is not physical, the spiritual part of a person
verb - to become or make larger or longer, usually by pulling it; opposite of 'shrink'
adjective - having a wavelength that is shorter than light but longer than X-rays
noun, American English - a kind of jacket without sleeves
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