How can I make a cappuccino?
- Fill a cup with steamed and frothed milk and pour in an espresso.
- Mix coffee with milk and add froth on top.
- Pour boiling milk over an espresso.
- Prepare an espresso in a cup and then add steamed and frothed milk.
How can I make the three layers that are so typical for
a latte?
- Fill a tall glass half full with coffee, then add steamed milk.
- Fill a tall glass half full with milk. Then add an espresso, stir and
add froth.
- Fill a tall glass with coffee, then add milk and finally add froth.
- Fill a tall glass with steamed milk. After a while, add an espresso.
What is an Americano?
- It's an espresso diluted by adding hot water.
- It's any coffee from Sturbucks.
- It's weak flavoured coffee.
- You need freshly ground coffee to prepare an Americano.
What is French press?
- A device for making coffee with a metal filter that you push down.
- It's a coffee machine into which you put capsules.
- It's filtered coffee that is very weak.
- It's very strong coffee typically drunk in Paris.
What is crema?
- A kind of low-fat cream.
- A special kind of cream that you put in coffee.
- A thin layer of foam on top of an espresso.
- A typical dessert eaten with coffee.
What is an espresso macchiato?
- It's an espresso prepared using a special kind coffee beans.
- It's an espresso served with a small glass of water.
- It's an espresso with a bit of cold milk.
- It's an espresso with a dollop of hot foamed milk.
What do I need to make an Irish coffee?
- brandy
- dark rum
- light rum
- whiskey
How much coffee should a typical espresso contain?
- 17 grams
- 170 grams
- 7 grams
- 70 grams
What do you call the method of preparing cappuccino by pouring
steamed milk over coffee in a way that it results in a pattern or design on the
- art cafe
- coffee arty
- latte art
- pattern art
What's the name of the oldest world-famous company that produces
coffee capsules? One American actor usually appears in their
- Dolce Gusto
- Lavazza
- Nescafe
- Nespresso
Správné odpovědi:
1) d,
2) d,
3) a,
4) a,
5) c,
6) d,
7) d,
8) c,
9) c,
10) d