Vydáno dne 14.09.2011
Slovíčka z učebnice Face2Face Intermediate, unit 1A, Reading, strana 4
preposition - in the opinion of, as stated by
adjective - pleasing or interesting you, nice to look at
noun - a segment of the DNA that contains genetic information that is passed to an individual person, animal or plant from a parent
verb - to become gradually older and older
noun - being merry and joyful, not sad
noun - the ability to learn and understand things
noun - something that makes you decide to do something
adjective - happening not long ago
noun - belief in a god (or gods) and things connected with it
noun - information about something that has happened, often in a newspaper, TV etc.
noun - learning or studying about something in order to discover new information or develop new things
noun - a person who studies or teaches biology, or chemistry, physics etc.
noun - something that is kept hidden from people, something not known to people
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