Vydáno dne 01.09.2011
Slovíčka z učebnice Face2Face Elementary, Welcome unit, str. 4
noun - the set of letters used in a particular language
noun - the colour of the night or coffee
noun - the colour of the sky or water on a sunny day
adjective - the colour of the grass and trees
adjective - the color of an elephant or a mouse, it's something between white and black
adverb - not in time
noun - one of the signs in an alphabet, the smallest part of a word
noun - the word or words by which people call you and know you
interjection - a word used to make a request polite
noun - a difficult situation that should be solved or paid attention to
adjective - the colour of blood, tomatoes, ketchup etc.
interjection - a word you use to ask a person to forgive you something bad that you have done
interjection - the words you say to express gratitude
verb - to greet somebody in a friendly way and with pleasure
noun - the colour of snow or a wedding dress
noun - the colour of the sun, the centre of an egg, a banana etc.
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