Vydáno dne 03.05.2011
Slovíčka z písně HEART SKIPS A BEAT, kterou zpívá Olly Murs
noun - a regularly repeated hit
conjunction, informal - because
adverb - near, not far
adverb - an adverb used to intensify something or emphasize something unexpected
noun - the shape that usually represents love
verb - to have something in your hand
adjective, informal - preoccupied, completely absorbed, not paying attention to anything else
verb - to touch somebody with your lips in order to show love or affection
verb - to go away from somewhere or somebody
verb - to stop bothering someone, not to disturb something or somebody
verb - to stop holding something
verb - to be of importance
verb - to play (a film, drama etc.)
noun, informal - a music recording, usually a CD or a vinyl
verb - to say or do something again
adjective - unhappy; making somebody feel unhappy; feeling sorrow
adjective - exactly like something else, not different
verb - to leave out something
verb - to turn quickly round and round
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