Vydáno dne 21.01.2020
K deseti otázkám doplníte správné znění krátké odpovědi.
Do následujících vět doplňte krátké odpovědi obsahující podmět a sloveso.
Tyto jsou samozřejmě jednoduché. Poradíte si ale i s trochu komplikovanějšími větami?
Isn't that the new English teacher? – Yes, I think ________________________ .
Is there any more time? – No, I'm afraid ________________________ .
What's the matter? Don't you like the present? – Yes, ________________________ , but I didn't get you anything.
Did people live longer in the past than they do today? – No, I don't think ________________________ .
Do you think she'd let me borrow her car if I asked her? – Yes, I believe ________________________ .
Do you think he's been cheating on her? – No way! I'm sure ________________________ .
Are you talking to me? – No, ________________________ . I'm just thinking aloud.
Would you have done it differently than I did? – No, ________________________ .
Are these your glasses? – Yes, ________________________ . Thank you!
There'll be changes, won't there? – Yes, I believe ________________________ .