Vydáno dne 01.01.2011
Slovní zásoba z textů první lekce v učebnici a cvičebnici.
noun - a thing that you buy at a lower price than usual
noun - a small piece, a small part of
noun - protecting the environment, keeping and protecting of something
verb - to stay on top of water, to stay in the air
verb - to emphasize something, to draw attention to something important
verb - to go on a journey on foot
noun - a building or something that can be easily recognized and which can help you to realize where you are
noun - a large expanse of scenery or countryside
adjective - unforgettable, something you will remember
adjective - covered in wet earth, full of wet earth
noun - the kind of terraced field where they grow rice in China
verb - to save somebody from a harmful or dangerous situation (e.g. in the mountains etc.)
noun - a place where animals cannot be hunted and where they can breed
noun - a tube that enables you to breathe when you are swimming with your head under the water surface
noun - the time when the sun disappears from the sky in the evening
adjective - excellent, perfect
noun - a large building where religious ceremonies take place and where people go to pray
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