Vydáno dne 01.01.2011
Slovní zásoba z textů první lekce v učebnici a cvičebnici.
adverb - in/to a foreign country
noun - a place to stay
noun - a large piece of luggage carried on the back
noun - the suitcases, bags etc. that you carry with you when you travel somewhere
noun - a small book with information about something, usually about a place etc.
noun - sleeping or spending a holiday in a tent
noun - a place where you go camping, you can put up a tent or make a fire there
noun - the chief city of a country or state
noun - a sightseeing tour, usually on a large ship
noun - a service or piece of equipment
adjective - belonging to a different country from your own, from abroad
noun - a small hotel, similar to a hostel
noun - a book that gives tourists valuable information about the country they are visiting
noun - a building with many rooms for guests where you can stay over night
noun - the process of coming to live in a different country
adverb - travelling or relaxing somewhere during the period when you do not have to go to school or to work
noun - the fact that you have booked seats in a theatre or a room in a hotel, etc. in advance
noun - a journey to Africa taken by hunters or tourists in order to watch or hunt wild animals
noun - an activity often done by tourists in which they go from one place to another and they look at buildings, statues, churches etc.
noun - a box-shaped thing in which you put your things when you go on holiday
noun - lying in the sun in order that the skin becomes darker in colour
noun - a shelter made of strong cloth that is held up by poles and ropes
noun - a journey during which you see several important places, and usually end in the place where you started
noun - a person who is on a holiday, usually in a foreign country
noun - a journey to a place and back
noun - a large house
noun - a document or a stamp that allows you to travel to a foreign country
verb - to go and see a place or a person, usually as a guest
noun - a person who comes to see somebody or a place
noun - a kind of hotel in which you share your room with other people, it is usually much cheaper than normal hotels
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