Vydáno dne 01.01.2011
Slovní zásoba z textů druhé lekce v učebnici a cvičebnici.
noun - the study of ancient things buried in the ground
noun - one of the rectangular pieces of hard paper used in games such as poker, bridge etc.
noun - a person who collects things as a hobby
noun, British English - the act of preparing a meal by heat (boiling, roasting etc.)
noun - a play written for the theatre
noun - a picture made by a pencil, a pen etc.
noun - a place where you can see paintings, sculptures and other work of art
noun - a game for two people played on a black and white board, each player has 16 playing pieces and must capture the opponent's king
noun - running to keep fit
verb - to participate in something; to take part in something
adjective - liking to do something very much
noun - a person who belongs to an organized group of people, such as a club, team, political party etc.
noun - the state of being a member of something, e.g. a party, a club etc.
noun - a person whose job is to show clothes at fashion shows, to pose for photographers and cameras etc.
noun - a building where you can see various exhibitions, e.g. historical items, stuffed animals, technical things etc.
verb - to make picture by using paint and brushes etc.
noun - the act of making a picture by using paints and brushes
noun - plants and animals that live in their natural environment, not in captivity
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