Vydáno dne 01.01.2011
Slovní zásoba z textů druhé lekce v učebnici a cvičebnici.
noun - type of mathematics that involves working with numbers, e.g. adding, subtracting, multiplying etc.
noun - a document that proves you have done something, achieved something, attended something etc.
noun - the students or pupils that are taught at the same time in the same place
noun - a room in a school where the lessons take place, there are usually desks and chairs for students and the teacher, a blackboard, etc.
noun - a person who trains a team
noun - the kind of school where you can study after secondary school or high school
noun - the act or art of writing music
noun - a set of lessons
noun - the things taught at a particular school or at schools in general
noun - a kind of title you get when you graduate from a university, e.g. Ph.D., M.A., etc.
noun - the certificate you get when you complete your studies at a particular school
noun - the study of business and financial principles
verb - to teach or train somebody
noun - the teaching and training of people
noun - a piece of writing on a particular topic (esp. one written by a student)
noun - books etc. about imaginary people, imaginary places etc.
noun - something written by hand
noun - a person whose job is to teach somebody how to do something (usually a sport etc.)
noun - a school subject in which you learn how to use computers etc.
noun - a room where experiments are done
noun - a system of communication that uses words etc.
noun - a talk about a subject given by a university teacher to students
noun - a person who gives lectures (esp. at universities etc.)
noun, British English - a grade, a sign that is given as a reward for what you do at school (in tests etc.)
noun, British English - a British school for children from 5 to 11
noun - a university teacher
noun - a person who goes to school regularly in order to prepare for a future job
verb - get the necessary training, abilities, knowledge etc. to be able or allowed to do something
verb - to put your name somewhere, usually on something official
verb, British English - to go through something you once learned in order to remember it better, e.g. before a test in school etc.
noun - a kind of study of natural laws etc, e.g. physics, biology etc.
noun, British English - a type of school for children between 11 and 16
noun - a subject concerned with machines and how they work
noun - a person studying for a bachelor's degree in college
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