Vydáno dne 04.05.2012
Slovní zásoba spojená z vánoční písničky na Help for English
adjective - very old, belonging to a time long ago
noun, formal - clothes
verb - to shine brightly
noun - a tree branch
noun - a religious song that people sing at Christmas
verb - to decorate something or somebody for a special occasion
verb, formal - to put on (an item of clothing)
verb - to choose not to eat food for some time (esp. for religious or medical reasons)
verb, dated - to greet
noun - a musical instrument with strings, it is played by strumming or plucking the strings with both hands
adjective - not paying attention to something
noun - a small tree with red berries and dark green leaves, it is often used as decoration at Christmas
noun, informal - a boy
noun, British English - a girl (used mainly in Scotland and in the north of England)
verb - (of a bell) to ring slowly
noun - an amount of valuable things, such as gold, silver, diamonds etc.
noun - Christmas season
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