Vydáno dne 01.01.2011
Slovní zásoba z textů třetí lekce v učebnici a cvičebnici.
noun - a thing that you buy at a lower price than usual
noun - coins and banknotes
verb - to say that you are not happy or satisfied with a product or a service
verb - to have the price of
noun - the price of something, the money that has to be paid
noun - a card issued by a bank that allows you to pay without using cash
adjective, British English - costing a lot of money, expensive
noun - a part of the price of something paid in advance
noun - a price that is lower than usual
noun - the act of trading something for something else
adjective - costing a lot of money, not cheap
verb - to give somebody money to work for you; to pay for using something for a short time
noun - the money that you get back in a shop when you pay more than something costs
adjective - costing little money, not expensive
noun, British English - an order for a bank to pay money, used sometimes instead of money
adjective - cheap, low-priced (used to show approval)
noun - very expensive and comfortable things that people do not really need but can enjoy them
verb - to ask a waiter for a certain food or drink, to ask a supplier to send you certain goods etc.
noun - the money that has to be paid for something, the value
adjective - (of prices etc.) fair, not too high
noun - a piece of paper that you get when you buy something, it shows how much you have paid for it
verb - to make something lower or smaller
verb - to book in advance
verb - to send or give back
noun - an event when a shop is selling its goods at lower prices
verb - to keep for later use, (about money) not to spend, to keep
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