Vydáno dne 01.01.2011
Slovní zásoba z textů třetí lekce v učebnici a cvičebnici.
noun - a piece of woman's clothing that goes from the neck to the waist
noun - a high shoe which usually goes above your ankle
noun - a piece of women's underwear covering the breasts
adjective - not formal (about clothes etc.)
noun - a piece of clothing that you wear over your other clothes, usually in winter or cold weather, it is usually long and warm
noun - the part of a piece of clothes that stands around the neck
noun - a plant that is used for making clothes, e.g. T-shirts etc.
noun - a piece of women's clothing, it is usually long and covers the body from the shoulders to the knees or below
adjective - (about clothes) good looking, fit for formal occasions; (about people) of an attractive appearance
adjective - (about clothes etc.) in a popular style of the particular time
verb - to fix something firmly, to joint two parts of something together
verb - to have the right size and shape to be put on, not too big
adjective - used in official situations, opposite of 'casual'
verb - to put on clothes
verb - (of clothes) to match
noun - a short coat, usually lighter and not as warm as a coat
noun - trousers made of a special cloth (denim), they are usually blue and come from Texas
noun, British English - a sweater, a knitted piece of clothing for the upper part of the body
noun - a material that is used for making shoes, jackets, bags etc.
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