Vydáno dne 01.01.2011
Slovní zásoba z textů první lekce v učebnici a cvičebnici.
noun - anything from which you can make things
adjective - dressing like people dressed in the past, having ideas like people had in the past etc.
noun, British English - a piece of underwear worn by men or women under their trousers
noun - an arrangement of symbols, pictures, shapes, lines etc.
adjective - made of the artificial material that is used for making almost everything, bags, clothes, pens, etc.
noun - a small flat bag inside your clothes where you can put your wallet etc, or your hands when it is cold
noun - a kind of sweater or jumper
verb - to start to wear a particular piece of clothes etc.
noun - a loose shirt and trousers that sometimes people wear when they are in bed
noun - a piece of clothing that you wear over your clothes to protect yourself from rain
noun - a piece of clothing with long sleeves and buttons at the front
noun - one of the things that you wear on your feet, usually made of plastic or leather
noun - a kind of short trousers that cover your legs to the knees or shorter
noun - a thread produced by a kind of caterpillar or the material made from this thread
noun - a statement of how large or small something is
noun - a piece of women's clothing that covers their legs to the knees or longer
noun - one of the parts of a shirt or a coat etc. that cover the arms
adjective - not having sleeves
adjective - (about clothes) good looking, fit for formal ocassions; (about people) of an attractive appearance
noun - one of the pieces of clothing that you wear on your feet inside your shoes
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