Vydáno dne 01.01.2011
Slovní zásoba z textů třetí lekce v učebnici a cvičebnici.
noun - one of the pair of coverings for the feet and legs, usually worn by women; at Christmas, Santa Claus puts little presents into it
noun - a set of formal clothes consisting of a jacket and trousers or a skirt
noun - a piece of clothing with long sleeves, it is usually warm and made of wool or cotton, people wear it on their T-shirt or shirt, under the coat
noun - a piece of clothing with long sleeves similar to a sweater, usually made of cotton and not as warm
noun, British English - a piece of clothing worn especially by women when they go swimming
noun - a piece of clothing with short sleeves, usually made of cotton
verb - to remove something you have been wearing, e.g. a piece of clothes etc.
noun - a thin piece of cloth that men usually wear around their neck on formal ocassions
noun, British English - a piece of women's clothing, it is thin and tight and covers the waist, legs and feet
noun - warm trousers usually used for sports, usually with a matching jacket
noun - a piece of clothing that covers the legs
verb - to put a piece of clothing on to check whether it is the right size
noun - clothes that are worn directly on the body under other clothes, e.g. bra, panties, underpants etc.
verb - to have something, usually clothes, on your body
verb - (of clothes) to become thinner, damaged or weakened by being used too much
noun - the material or thread that is made from sheep's thick hair
adjective - made of the material or thread that is made from sheep's thick hair
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