Vydáno dne 01.01.2011
Slovní zásoba z textů třetí lekce v učebnici a cvičebnici.
noun - something extra added to a machine, clothes etc. which is not very important but which is useful or looks nice
noun - a long piece of leather or other material that people wear around their waist
noun - something worn around your wrist or arm as an ornament, usually made of silver, gold or other metal, leather, beads, etc.
noun - a piece of jewelry that is worn on the ear
noun - a thing with two glass lenses which helps you see better or protects your eyes from the sun
noun - one of the two pieces of clothing that cover your hands when it is cold or when you want to protect them from something
noun - a small bag where women carry their money and personal items
noun - a piece of cloth or soft paper that is used to dry your nose etc.
noun - a piece of clothing that covers your head
noun - ornaments with jewels, things like bracelets, necklaces, rings, earrings etc.
noun - a kind of jewellery that is worn around the neck
noun - a long piece of cloth that you use in cold weather to cover your neck
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