Vydáno dne 01.01.2011
Slovní zásoba z textů třetí lekce v učebnici a cvičebnici.
noun - a shop where you can buy bread, buns, rolls etc.
noun - a document that states how much you have paid or how much you have to pay (e.g. in a restaurant, or from a telephone company)
noun - a shop where you can buy meat products
noun - a shop where you can buy TV sets, radios etc,
noun, British English - a shop where you can buy fruits and vegetables
adverb - costing half as much
noun - a shop where you can buy music CD's or DVD's
noun - the place where you can buy newspapers and magazines
noun - a shop that sells medicine
noun - the money that you get back if the product you bough was faulty, the service you ordered was bad etc.
noun - the group of people who work at a place (e.g. a hotel, restaurant etc.)
noun - a person who steals something
noun - a machine that sells tickets
adjective - worth a lot of money
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