Vydáno dne 01.01.2011
Slovní zásoba z textů čtvrté lekce v učebnici a cvičebnici.
noun - the part of the body where the foot is connected to the leg
noun - the body part connecting your shoulder to your hand, you have two of them
noun - one of the two parts of the body which are used for hearing
noun - the part of the body where the arm can bend in the middle
noun - one of the two parts of the body which is used for seeing
noun - one of the five parts on each hand, you usually use it to touch something etc.
noun - the part of the leg that we use to walk on
noun - it is black or brown or blond, it grows on your head
noun - it has a thumb and four fingers, you have got two of them
noun - the part of the body that has eyes, ears, mouth etc.
noun - the front of your body between your arms
noun - the part of the leg in which it bends in the middle
noun - one of the two parts of the body that we walk on, it has a knee in the middle and a foot at the end
noun - it is on your face, you put food in it when you eat, there are teeth and a tongue in it
noun - a thin hard layer covering the ends of your fingers and toes
noun - the part of the body that connects your head to your body
noun - the part of the body that is above your mouth between your eyes, you breathe and smell through it
noun - one of the two parts of the body that connects your arm to your body
noun - the outer covering of the body
noun - the part of the body that is located between the chest and the hip, the belly
noun - the short finger at the side of each hand
noun - one of the five parts at the end of each foot
noun - one of the many white things in your mouth, you use it to chew food
noun - the narrow part of the body above the hips
noun - the part of the body where the hand joins the arm
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