Vydáno dne 01.01.2011
Slovní zásoba z textů čtvrté lekce v učebnici a cvičebnici.
noun - the lowest part, the base on which something stands
adjective - fearless, having courage
noun - a woman who is getting married
adjective - rising, getting greater
noun - many people at one place
adjective - suitable for eating
noun - a brain disorder that causes seizures and unconsciousness
noun - a special kind of clothes worn by teachers and students at special occasions, e.g. graduation ceremonies
noun - the man who is getting married
noun - a person whose job is to drive a car for somebody
adverb - in exchange (for something), as a compensation
adjective - average and normal, not different from others
adverb - as a whole, in a way that includes everything
noun - an act of allowing somebody to do something
noun, American English, informal - an informal word for a dog
noun - a small round flat dish, you usually put a cup of tea or coffee on it
noun - a very tall building with many floors (usually more than 40 or 50), usually built in large cities
verb - to go through pain or difficulty
noun - a piece of cloth or other material spread over a table
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