Vydáno dne 01.01.2011
Slovní zásoba z textů páté lekce v učebnici a cvičebnici.
noun - a sport in which you ride on the back of a horse
noun - a game for two teams played on ice in which score by hitting a small black thing (a puck) into the opponent's goal using long wooden sticks
noun - moving on ice using special boots with metal blades
noun - running to keep fit
noun - a kind of wrestling in which the opponents try to throw each other on the floor
noun - a hit with your foot
verb - to hit something with your foot
noun - a thing that covers the face in order to hide it or protect it
noun - A sport event, e.g. in tennis or football
noun - a competition whose winner is the fastest car
noun - a material that has large square holes between the threads
noun - a meeting with a coach where people can practice a sport
verb - to do special activities regularly to help you become better at a sport
noun - a piece of sports equipment that is used in tennis etc. to hit the ball
noun - a person in a game or sport who prevents the players from breaking the rules, punishes players who break them etc.
noun - a game played by two teams of thirteen players with an oval ball, popular especially in Europe
noun - moving very fast on foot
verb - to travel on a boat driven by wind; to travel on water
noun - a sport in which you go on a boat with a sail
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