English idioms from English musicals 2a - Jesus

Vydáno dne 03.04.2013

Anglické idiomy si lze procvičit poměrně zábavnou formou s anglickými muzikály. Zde jsou idiomy z první části slavného muzikálu Jesus Christ Superstar, který v roce 1970 napsali Andrew Lloyd Webber a Tim Rice.

Jesus Christ Superstar

– první část

Vaším úkolem je vybrat odpověď nejlépe vystihující tučně zvýrazněný idiom.

  1. JESUS (to Judas):
             If your slate is clean, then you can throw stones.
             If your slate is not, then leave her alone!

    1. Jesus asks Judas to be quiet unless he keeps his stuff clean.
    2. Judas is asked to think a bit more about consequences of his actions.
    3. Judas is told not to criticise others unless he himself is perfect.
    4. Judas shouldn’t write anything on his slate.
             We've been sitting on the fence for far too long.

    1. Caiphas means it’s time they took sides.
    2. Caiphas reckons it is about time to vanish into thin air.
    3. Caiphas thinks they should stop playing judges.
    4. Caiphas’s butt is aching after sitting too long on a barrier.
  3. CAIAPHAS (to Annas):
             Put yourself in my place, I can hardly step aside!

    1. Annas is asked to imagine the difficulties Caiphas is going through.
    2. Annas is begged to help Caiphas step aside.
    3. Caiphas implores Annas to swap seats.
    4. Caiphas would like Annas to leave him alone.
             I cannot let my hands be tied. I am law and order.

    1. Caiphas considers himself and his status too important to be ever arrested and tied.
    2. Caiphas hates the idea of being unable to do what he wants to.
    3. Caiphas isn’t happy about the current law situation.
    4. Caiphas refuses any advice regarding himself smart enough.
  5. ANNAS (about Jesus):
             We dare not leave him to his own devices
             His half-witted fans will get out of control

    1. According to Annas, Jesus is unimportant and can be thrown to the winds.
    2. Annas advises not to try to stop Jesus using the motto „Leave well alone“.
    3. Annas is afraid of Jesus’ fans using dangerous devices.
    4. Annas thinks it’s hazardous to leave Jesus alone to do as he wishes.
  6. PRIEST (about Jesus):
             But how can we stop him? His glamour increases by leaps every minute - he's top of the poll.

    1. Jesus is famous for his leaps which worries the priest.
    2. Jesus’ fame has reached its height and he’s still becoming more and more popular.
    3. The priest despises Jesus for his backstage political intrigues.
    4. The priest would like to stop Jesus now for he fears his popularity may decrease soon.
             For the sake of the nation, this Jesus must die.

    1. According to Caiphas, Jesus must die because the whole nation is wicked.
    2. Caiphas criticises the fact Jesus is going to sacrifice himself for the nation.
    3. Caiphas has decided it is better to do away with one man than to allow the others to be killed for him.
    4. Jesus must die for the nation asks for that.
  8. JESUS (to Caiphas):
             Why waste your breath moaning at the crowd?

    1. Caiphas is asked about the reason for his breathless moaning.
    2. Caiphas, according to Jesus, speaks too loudly and in a moaning way which is not necessary.
    3. Jesus asks Caiphas why he tries to interest the crowd by his breath.
    4. Jesus implies Caiphas says something that nobody takes any notice of.
  9. SIMON ZEALOTES (to Jesus):
             Christ, what more do you need to convince you that you've made it?

    1. Christ has done what he was asked to, according to Simon.
    2. Jesus is informed he just can’t do any better.
    3. Simon points out Jesus has been hardly successful.
    4. Simon thinks it goes without saying that Jesus has been devilish lucky.
  10. JUDAS (to the priests):
             I have no thought at all about my own reward
             I really didn't come here of my own accord

    1. Judas is hinting he’d like to get a fair share.
    2. Judas proclaims he hasn’t come to reach an accord with the priests.
    3. The priests are encouraged not to think Judas was the initiator of the whole action.
    4. The priests are informed Judas’ steps were led by himself only.
  11. ANNAS (to Judas):
             Your help in this matter won't go unrewarded
    CAIAPHAS (to Judas)
             We'll pay you in silver - cash on the nail

    1. Caiphas assures Judas a bit of silver will stick to his fingers.
    2. Judas has hit the nail on the head and they all now understand each other.
    3. Judas is promised to be paid without any delay.
    4. Judas is reassured he will definitely get his reward later.
  12. JESUS (to his apostles):
             For all you care this wine could be my blood
             For all you care this bread could be my body

    1. According to Jesus the apostles should have ensured the right kind of bread and wine.
    2. Jesus is proud that his apostles apprehend what he says.
    3. Jesus reproaches the apostles for not taking any interest in his sacrifice.
    4. The apostles are reminded they should keep caring about him.
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) a, 3) a, 4) b, 5) d, 6) b, 7) c, 8) d, 9) b, 10) c, 11) c, 12) c
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